Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Battle at Midway.

Round four the midway point of this course of chemo. Things are much better so far. I sleep reasonably well the night of infusion which was yesterday. I am not melting down today. Maybe I am getting used to all this chemo and it is starting to become my norm and so I am not over reacting to the drugs.
Round three was learning how to control the insomnia and the diarrhea. I seem to have a better handle on that, so the fatigue is not so acute. I am however in a chemo fog of varying degrees all the time now. My hair lose is continual, it sheds every day. I am getting thin on top and now have the male bald spot. I still have the bushy beard and all that body hair. I get headaches, sore and bloody sinuses, mouth sores which come and go quickly. I have had to change or improve all my hygiene practices. Wash my hands constantly with anti bacterial soap, brush my teeth 3-4 times a day with a soft tooth brush and use bioteene mouth wash and tooth paste. I need to avoid crowds, hard to do sometimes. So when I am in a crowd, politely keep my distance. Not visit or have any body over who has a cold or flu. I cannot risk any virus's or infections of any kind. It defiantly rules out driving school bus. My right eye goes blurry sometimes and at first I kept taking of my glasses and cleaning them. All these things are minor annoyances and I can cope with them easy enough. It is coping with the big four, fatigue,insomnia, diarrhea,and fog head. The unpleasant ones are the insomnia. It majorly affects the fatigue, and of course severe diarrhea. It drains what little bit of energy you have out of you . I am happy to be able to control the insomnia and whole gastrointestinal problem with medications and diet. It now means that I am tired and groggy all the time. I can live with being a stoned couch potato. Now if I could only figure out how to use this damn remote!
If you recall my opening mono log about Pearl Harbor then you will also recall that I wrote about the battle of Midway being the turning point in the tide of aggression, well round four is my midway and we are turning the tide!

1 comment:

  1. Aren't gastro problems, fatigue, insomnia, foggy heads and hair loss part of the over 50 crowd? I think you're just fine! Keep up the good fight little bro. Love, sis
