Monday, January 11, 2010

Clear as mud, or boy am I confussed.

Had an oncology visit with " DOC" and she expressed her concern about having too many C/T scans, saying they pose a risk of generating Cancer!! That the radiation was harmful! I replied in a dumb founded mono syllable fashion, They use radiation to cure cancer, don't they? And the chemo, Oxaliplatin is an internal form of general radiation,Right? She answered yes to both questions. So now I ask ,doe's the risk of getting cancer from the scans pose a bigger risk than not checking on the cancer I all ready have?? Boy I am really confused now. God forbid I might get cancer!!!Holly smolly, this next scan might give me cancer and then what? Do I go and get radiation treatment for it?? Or even worse, I might have to get chemotherapy treatments!!! OH NOOO!!! Wait a minute! Is this a joke or something?. Your pulling my leg ,right Doc? Well that's not exactly how the real conversation went, but that is what was running through my mind. It's all to crazy for me sometimes.

The next scan will be sometime in February,when ever Imaging will call and set up an appointment. It will be a full torso scan from my hips to my neck and we will use it as the new baseline. This scan will check all organs and some bones. I am hoping and believe I will be in NEDS. I have to do a small amount of prep for this scan, like take Banana flavor barium drink!( banana-yuck-gag ) Why don"t they give us a choice. Sir, would you prefer cherry or perhaps chocolate fudge ripple with whipped cream and nuts? Or maybe even bacon flavored. Everybody loves bacon. Anyway I digress.

The results of the scan will effect how my treatment go's. If there is any evidence of Goliath, then I will remain on full Chemo, with oxaliplatin. If I am in NEDS then I will start a maintenance chemo,What I am on now. It is the same drugs just less the oxaliplatin, and maybe a slightly reduced dose. It,s not perfect, but it is way, way ,way better than the alternative.Wow, the phone just rang and it's Imaging. February 8Th. is the scan day. So lets toast scans, It was scans that found Goliath and maybe it will be scans that show, That Goliath has been defeated. SCANS ,HEAR ,HEAR!!

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