Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Is this the last time?

I have completed 7 rounds of phase 2 and felt pretty good for a change. That is a total of 31 rounds of chemo in the last 38 months. I have thin hair, alligator skin, nerve damage in my feet, blurry vision in my right eye, chronic fatigue and a lot of digestive problems all due to chemo. I have one more round scheduled and then a pet scan on Sept.28Th. I am in hopes than 32 rounds is the magic number. I hope I have reached the end of a very long battle. I can live a very good life with the battle damage I have gotten, however I would like to stop receiving all the chemical disbursements and let my body heal. My spirit is not broken and I still have resolve to continue on if necessary. Lets hope there is no longer a need.


  1. Time to stop the putting nasty chemicals in your body and feeling like crap and live life to it's fullest, whatever that is. I have alligator skin, digestive problems, nerve damage in my right foot, blurry vision, and chronic fatigue, and it's just because I'm old! On a serious note, I'm praying that 32 is your lucky number and we all hear the news we want to hear onSept. 28th. Love, love, love...Sis.

  2. It is so great having you here visiting. It's good you can share your ups, downs, fears, pleasures here. And it's so great that you share your great good energy with everyone around you!!!!
