Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Extra Extra Read all about it!!!!
Home troops are winning major battle!!!

I recieved the first scouting report yesterday while recieving round 6 at the infusion department.
We have reduced Goliaths troops by 50%, yes you read it right ,by half. All my tumors have been reduced !!!!!!
The tumor in my lung was 28x24 mm and is now 16x12mm.
The biggest tumor is the mediastinum ( the one in my chest right under where the windpipe branches to each lung.) was 54x26mm and is now 25x15mm.
The pretreachel aggregate were 30x19 and now are 23x15. These are the two tumors on the left side of my neck next to the windpipe.
The tumor on the right side of my neck next to the windpipe has shrunk as well. the report just states,( other indivual nodes are smaller as well.)
The report also states,(No new pathological or enlarged lymph nodes or masses seen at this time.)

The good news continues in the fact that so far my body has been able to keep up with reproducing both white and red blood cells . Both are staying in the slightly low but normal range. All other perameters with my labs are good.
The report also shows that Goliath has not spread into my liver

What does this mean. It means that the chemical attacks are devistating Goliaths minions and his supply lines are failing and he has no reinforcements to deploy.
We on the other hand are reproducing reinforcments and able to deploy them and our supply lines are strong!
This goes to show that we are winning the battle right now. This does not mean we have won the war!! There is still a long way to go, However I did state that at round four we were turning the tide. This first report deepens the resolve of this awakend giant. It makes everthing I am going through worth it!!!
We were exspecting to just hold Goliath back and stall him for a while. A really good report would have been that we are giving him a good pounding and beat him back a little.
This report is over whelmingly good news. This is even beyond my Dr.s exspectations. She e-mailed with with the good news rather than wait until the 31st of Aug when we have an appointment.
I am highly encouraged now and plan to carry on the fight.

All the prayers and good wishes and positve thoughts from all my family,friends and well wishers are definatly proofing positive! The proof is in the numbers. I feel it in my being daily and want to thank every one . It is all this love and support that give me the resolve. My support network is very large and I apreciate it greatly. I apreciate each and every one of you. I am fortunate to have so many love and care for me! Let's keep it up!! WE, I mean all of us are winning. I Love you all.Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. david....WOW, This news has made my day!!!! tears. happy ones. keep doing the hard work and we will keep doing the easy stuff. The praying and hoping and lighting candles and loving and, some, fishing. sleep well and peaceful.
    cuz, bv
