Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hello all.

This is my personal story of my battle with Goliath.
Great military minds know that to build a winning army one must muster massive troops, have a constant reserve to increase one's numbers, train them well, supply them well and feed them well. Next comes strategy and tactics. A well planed and executed attack can win many battles. So can deception. Great strategist try to employ the element of surprise. To catch one's foe's off guard, unprepared to put up any defence and then overwhelm them and to deliver a crushing blow with the hopes that your efforts turn into a conquest that your enemies will never recover from. This is the thinking of the Japanese when without provocation launched a massive and brutal attack at Pearl Harbor. The attack caught the whole U.S. Pacific Fleet at anchor. The attack was horrific!!! Their intent was to destroy us and eliminate any return threat all in one mighty blow. They carried out the plan to great victory. Or did they? As the Japanese aircraft returned to their carriers and the celebrations and congratulations began Fleet Admiral Yamamoto of the Japanese Imperial Navy was quoted in saying "I believe we have awakened a sleeping giant and installed in him a terrible resolve." He was right, as a few days earlier four U.S. aircraft carriers slipped out of port and were instrumental in turning the tide at the battle of Midway and became our saviors. We all know the out come of that conflict.

Goliath has employed the same stratgy. He has built his army in great mass. They are highly mobil and invasive. He has invaded my body with stealth and surprise. He has attacked me twice, both times with surprise. I was unprepared each time. The first time we were able to repel the attack and defeated him, or so we thought. The second attack was devestating. He was able to mobilze with out detection and to entrench himself in distant organs and heavaly fortify is posistion. He is still on the move!

The arsenel available to me is limited. Because he is so mobile the only wepon we can use is chemical. We have launched a full scale chemical counter attack. We have one target specific chemical we have utilized as well, it's target is Goliath's supply line. The other chemicals are aimed at killing troops on mass. However these chemicals are nondiscrimatory and kill our troops as well. This is a major battle of attrition. The one who can withstand the onslaught the longest will be the victor.

Goliath is a formidable foe. He has the advantage. I don't know if we can stop him.


  1. David, You have some things Goliath doesn't have; you have a strong, loving heart, faith, and a large, loving family that will be with
    you throughout this fight. You are not alone as we are standing next to you ready to fight Goliath! Love, sis

  2. Sign me up! I'm here whenever for whatever........cuz...John

  3. Hi David!! You're sitting here next to me, and this is a great pleasure seeing you again! Kick Butt!
    Cousin Wayne
